Expansion and innovation : the new Garsou-Angenot warehouse

Garsou-Angenot is expanding with a new warehouse, reflecting its commitment to excellence and growth. Find out more about the benefits of this expansion.

150 years of experience and a new warehouse

With almost 150 years of experience, Garsou-Angenot continues to grow and innovate. Our new warehouse reflects our commitment to excellence and our ability to adapt to the changing needs of our B2B customers. This expansion allows us to optimise our processes, ensuring speed and accuracy in all our services.

Technology and sustainability

Business expansion is always a sign of growth and progress. Our new warehouse is equipped with the latest technology, ensuring efficient management and rapid distribution of goods. Evenmore, with environmentally sustainable facilities, we're showing our commitment to the planet.

Impact on growth and competitiveness

We are convinced that this investment will have a positive impact on our growth and competitiveness. The warehouse is designed to facilitate logistics, reduce delivery times and improve operational efficiency.

Discover the advantages of our logistics area

We invite you to discover our new area and see for yourself the benefits it brings. Whether for storage, distribution or handling, our warehouse is ready to meet all your logistics needs.

Curious about how we take care of the planet ?

Find out more about our commitment to the environment

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